Tuesday, September 19, 2023

5 Ways To Get Data From Google Sheets In Excel

There are several ways to import data from Google Sheets into Excel. In this post we review five different methods to import data from Google Sheets using Excel VBA. One way or another, there is always a HTTP request to the Google web resource that connects with the Google spreadsheet. The main difference between the various methods presented here lies on the Google web resource/API URL used to access the data. Another important difference is the format of the output data. Some methods allow to get only public data, while other may also let import private or restricted data.


Google Spreadsheet

A Google spreadsheet has a unique identifier or key that can easily be found in the sharing link after “/d/” and before the next forward slash. See the example below (the spreadsheet ID is highlighted in yellow).




The last portion of the URL can have different forms though, but that’s not relevant when getting the spreadsheet ID. However, when pasting that link on a browser, it usually takes another form and shows the “gid” parameter, which identifies a particular sheet within the spreadsheet. This is important when the Google spreadsheet has more than one sheet in order to target a specific sheet. The below URL leads to the same Google spreadsheet as above. The spreadsheet has just one sheet, which has been assigned that gid number.




A Google spreadsheet can be public or private (restricted). The Google spreadsheet is public when shared with anyone with the link. This can be done while logged to your Google account under Share -> Anyone with the link

All methods can get data from a public Google spreadsheet, while only some of them also allow to get data from a restricted spreadsheet.


Method 1: Web Query

The easiest way to get data in tabular format from a web resource, such as a standard HTML table embedded in a web page or a range with data in a Google spreadsheet, is using a web query. The web query can be added manually or programmatically (see code below to add it with Excel VBA). We have already seen how to add a query table with Excel VBA in this other post: AddWeb Query To Worksheet.

  Sub GetGoogleSheets_WebQuery()
  Dim qt As QueryTable, url As String, key As String, gid As String
  url = "https://spreadsheets.google.com/tq?tqx=out:html&key=" & key '& "&gid=" & gid
  'Set a web query/connection to the URL
  Set qt = Sheet1.QueryTables.Add(Connection:="URL;" & url, Destination:=Range("$A$1"))
  'Format and add the query table
  With qt
      .WebSelectionType = xlAllTables
      .WebFormatting = xlWebFormattingNone
  End With
  End Sub

The query table establishes a connection with the modified Google URL shown below, which outputs the data in the Google spreadsheet as an HTML table (that’s the format we need to import it as a query table in Excel).


This method and the macro above are explained in more detail in this other post: ImportData From Google Sheets

Method 2: Simple HTTP request

A HTTP request is used to access a resource on a server. We can use Excel VBA to send a HTTP request to get data from the web. For example, we can get data from a web page, make an API call, or get data from Google Sheets. There are several examples in this other blog.

Actually, this is similar to what Excel is doing when creating a web query. Thus, the same URL used in method 1 is targeted when sending a simple HTTP request to get the data from Google Sheets in method 2. 


The macro below sends a HTTP request to get the data from Google Sheets. It works with the following two libraries, Microsoft XML v6.0 and Microsoft HTML Object, that need to be added to the VBA project under Tools -> References in the Visual Basic editor. A server XML HTTP object is created to send a GET request to the target URL. The code below is explained in detail in this other post: Import Specific Cells From Google Sheets

  Sub GetGoogleSheets_HTMLTable()
  Dim url As String, key As String, HTTPreq As Object
  Dim HTML As Object, r As Integer, c As Integer
  url = "https://spreadsheets.google.com/tq?tqx=out:html&key=" & key  '& "&gid=" & gid
  'Send HTTP request to get the data
  Set HTTPreq = CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP")
  With HTTPreq
    .Open "GET", url, False
  End With
  Do Until HTTPreq.readyState = 4: Loop 'waits till request completes
  'set HTML variable and assign response
  Set HTML = CreateObject("htmlFile")
  HTML.body.innerHTML = HTTPreq.responseText
  'loop through HTML table to get values (add conditions depending on your criteria)
  For Each tr In HTML.getElementsByTagName("tr")
    If tr.getElementsByTagName("td").Length > 0 Then
      r = r + 1
      'If r <= 10 Then 'condition to get only first 10 rows
        For Each td In tr.getElementsByTagName("td")
            c = c + 1
            Cells(r, c).Value = td.innerText
        Next td
        c = 0
      'End If 'could add Else to Exit For or Sub when done
    End If
  Next tr

  End Sub

The second part of the macro loops through the HTTP response to extract the data. This method allows to specifically target certain rows or columns, or just specific cells, by setting relevant conditional statements within the loops. Find more detailed information in this other post: Import Specific Cells From Google Sheets


Method 3: Google Visualization API

This method consists of sending a HTTP request to make an API call to the Google Visualization API. The API URL looks totally different than the URL we have seen before, and it accepts a query parameter to target certain data in Google Sheets.




The query is written using Google query language, which is similar to SQL. For example, to import all the data in the target sheet the query is “Select *”.  See below some other examples:

query = "Select *"  'selects all the data

query = "Select A"  'selects data in column A

query = "Select A,B where B > 35"  'selects data in columns A and B, when the value of B is greater than 35

query = "Select A,B where B > 35 limit 2"  'same as above but limiting the result to 2 values


The query needs to be encoded before added to the URL. We can achieve that using the Excel worksheet function EncodeURL.

  encodedQuery = WorksheetFunction.EncodeURL(query)


The code used to send a HTTP request to the Google Visualization API is similar to the one used in method 2 (that’s actually going to be similar across all the other methods too). But in this case, the HTTP response comes in JSON format. See below an example of the HTTP JSON response.

There are several ways to extract the values from JSON data in Excel. A simple example was covered in this other post: Connect To API Excel VBA Macro (Part 2). There is also a JSON-to-VBA converter available on GitHub and widely documented/explained on the web and YouTube.

Additionally, the JSON response from Google Visualization API has 47 initial characters that need to be removed prior to extracting the data. See below the entire macro to get data from Google Sheets using the Google Visualization API.

  Sub GetGoogleSheets_gviz()
  Dim url As String, key As String, query As String, HTTPreq As Object, response As String
  query = "Select *"  'selects all the data
  encodedQuery = WorksheetFunction.EncodeURL(query)
  url = "https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/" & key & "/gviz/tq?tq=" & encodedQuery
  'Send HTTTP request to get the data
  Set HTTPreq = CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP")
  With HTTPreq
    .Open "GET", url, False
  End With
  Do Until HTTPreq.readyState = 4: Loop
  response = HTTPreq.responseText
  response = Right(response, Len(response) - 47)
  End Sub

Method 4: Google Sheets API

This method sends a HTTP request to make a call to Google Sheets API in the same way that we have seen for method 3. The API URL is completely different though. Google Sheets API URL accepts parameters for sheet name and data range (in A1 notation) and requires an API key to make the call. You need to setup a project in Google cloud to get a valid API key. Note that the “key” parameter refers to the API key in this URL (not the sheet ID).




The HTTP request is similar to what we have seen for methods 2 and 3. See below the entire code to import data in Excel using Google Sheets API.

  Sub GetGoogleSheets_sheetsAPI()
  Dim url As String, sheetid As String, sheetname As String, APIkey As String
  Dim HTTPreq As Object, response As String
  sheetid = "1ZiB42UOZXdmVis0RQDM7FwMJNXf6DiSbuEjHVDTASfU" 'REPLACE!
  sheetname = "Sheet1"
  APIkey = "AIaCocm40d9Y699poc0b1nmDC39Lo…"  'REPLACE!
  url = "https://sheets.googleapis.com/v4/spreadsheets/" & sheetid & "/values/" _ & sheetname & "!A1:A5?key=" & APIkey
  'Send HTTTP request to get the data
  Set HTTPreq = CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP")
  With HTTPreq
    .Open "GET", url, False
  End With
  Do Until HTTPreq.readyState = 4: Loop
  response = HTTPreq.responseText
  'ConvertJSONToRange (response)
  End Sub

Google Sheets API returns data as JSON. However, the JSON response is slightly different than the one obtained earlier in method 3 with Google Visualization API. See below an example of the JSON response for a call to get column A values in a simple sheet (same as used in the example for method 3).

Google Sheets API JSON response is more user friendly and easier to read with a simple macro. See the example in this other post as guidance: Connect To API Excel VBA Macro (Part 2). That example uses the VBA functions InStr and Mid (and Replace). There’s yet a simpler way to achieve the same for this particular JSON string using the function Split (and Replace) along a For Each loop.

Both methods 3 and 4 could potentially be used to get restricted data when setup with Google OAuth 2.0. That’s more complicated and requires some level of browser automation which is more challenging with Edge (as compared to IE that has been demised). Personally, I only used OAuth to authenticate a Google Sheets request when IE automation was still an option (Excel had great libraries to automate IE, but not Edge – unless using external libraries such as Selenium). Another possibility is creating your own API to access and import data from a restricted Google spreadsheet (see method 5).

Method 5: Custom Google script/API

This method consists of creating your own script or API that returns data from the associated or targeted Google spreadsheet (within the same Google account). The code (or macro) is written using Google Apps Script and deployed as a web app (no need to deploy as API executable). The resulting URL may look like the one below.



The API can be setup to accept parameters such as an encoded token to add second level authentication. If the API is not directly related to the target Google spreadsheet, a spreadsheet ID parameter can also be added (not recommended though).


See below an example of a Google script to get spreadsheet data and return it as an HTML table. There are no additional parameters in the function. The script needs to be deployed as a web app.

The following VBA code in Excel is sending a HTTP request to that API to get the data in the HTTP response. It is similar to what we have already seen in previous methods.

  Sub GetGoogleSheets_GASAPI()
  Dim url As String, key As String, HTTPreq As Object, response As String
  url = "https://script.google.com/macros/s/AKfzcbx64w0xedrhiqJ1BK.../exec"
  '& "?token=" & encodedToken   'REPLACE!
  'Send HTTP request to get the data
  Set HTTPreq = CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP")
  With HTTPreq
    .Open "GET", url
  End With
  Do Until HTTPreq.readyState = 4: Loop
  response = HTTPreq.responseText
  End Sub

In this example, we have chosen to output the data as an HTML table. Thus, the response would look like the example string below.

response = "<table><tr><td>Name</td><td>ID</td></tr><tr><td>Pedro</td><td>1234</td></tr><tr><td>Marta</td><td>5678</td></tr></table>"


This other macro can extract the values from the HTML table string. Manipulating an HTML document with Excel VBA requires adding the Microsoft HTML Object library to the references of the VBA project.

  Sub ConvertHTMLToRange(response)  'adding HTML table data to cells
  Dim HTML As Object, r As Integer, c As Integer
  Set HTML = CreateObject("htmlFile")
  HTML.body.innerHTML = response
  For Each tr In HTML.getElementsByTagName("tr")
    r = r + 1
    c = 0
    For Each td In tr.getElementsByTagName("td")
      c = c + 1
      Cells(r, c).Value = td.innerText
    Next td
  Next tr
  End Sub

This method allows to get data from a restricted Google spreadsheet when having a script within the same Google account. However, second level authentication is recommended when dealing with sensitive data if this method is to be used.

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